Four new building typologies that utilize the negative aspects of infrastructure like noise and C02 by converting them into production landscapes.

Infra Ecology
According to the statistics of the Central Bureau for Statistics (1988) infrastructure occupies 3% of the total surface area of the Netherlands. The regulations pertaining to the protection of the environment however, increase this area by a factor of ten to 30%, the spatial impact is therefor much greater than at first imagined. Because this 30% is subject to strict regulation, this area can only be utilized by a select number of programs. It would be interesting to imagine what kind of developments and programs would be possible if the different products of infrastructure did not function as a hindrance.
Project credits
Wave Circuit (housing), Spa Spar (hotel), Greenhouse Office (office) BP Willow (tank station). Development of architectural typologies that transform negative by-products of infrastructure into usable forms
Thesis project, Academy of Architecture Rotterdam, 1999
Design credits
Jago van Bergen, Duzan Doepel and Willemijn Lofvers
Winner of the Innovation Prize at the 1st Architecture Biënnale Rotterdam 2003
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